Lecture notes, Worksop Art Club, 1954 , Jean-Georges Simon - Robert Waterhouse

Robert Waterhouse propose de découvrir (en anglais) l’œuvre et un mémento de l’artiste hongrois Jean-Georges Simon.



Jean-Georges Simon



Lecture notes, Worksop Art Club, 1954


Notes for an illustrated lecture entitled “Different tendencies in contemporary art, mainly 20th century, African etc arts. Influence of primitive expression on ‘modern’ artists”


Rouault, Picasso, Ben Nicholson, Henry Moore, Sickert, Signac, M Smith, Stanley Spencer, Utrillo, (Paul Nash?), Chagall, Van Gogh


Symbolic signs – music, painting, architecture, dance


Forms – all forms, even straight lines, to be found on the human body

Freedom of expression

Observation and realisation

Transfer, digest



Being enthusiastic


Identify yourself with creating or reproduction

Photography + influence on fine arts

Lens and eyes

Speed: tempo in music, speeds in painting

Quick observation and perception

Essence: the essential, the soul of subject

Plato: line, curves, point beautiful in themselves

Tolerance in criticism



Deep feelings, letting yourself go as an artist

Creation and reproduction

Composition and performance

Music – a composer-performer (painting, sculpting?)

Dissection of forms and human body


Analysis and construction: logic

Intellect, mind

Emotion, romanticism


Jean-Georges Simon (1894-1968) was a Hungarian artist who settled in London in 1939, having left Budapest in 1920 and lived meantime in Berne, Rapallo, Paris, Bruges and Brussels. He and his British wife Pat made their home in Harrogate, Yorkshire, from 1943. Simon’s post-impressionism was cherished by private collectors, but apart from a 1945 exhibition at the Redfern Gallery he enjoyed little public recognition. The lecture notes amount to his own credo.





 Pour lire un autres texte proposé par Robert Waterhouse :

Robert Waterhouse (texte de George Mayer-Marton), Growing old



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